Financial Support

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To apply to the College Financial Assistance Fund please complete this form and return it to the Academic Administrator (


Student Support Fund

The College’s Student Support Fund is open to requests for funds from any HMC student to support academic-related expenditure. There is no specific limit, but grants will not normally exceed £350 per student, per year.  The Fund will consider applications for the following academic related expenses: Academic materials, research costs, academic related travel, software and hardware, conference attendance, academic association membership and language courses.

Applications will only be accepted via the online form. You application should include details of the funding required, as well as information on any other sources of funding to which you are able to apply. You will need an email of support for your projected expenditure from your supervisor (graduates) or supervising tutor (undergraduates), which will need to be uploaded as part of the application. The funding for successful applications is generally made in the form of reimbursement for expenses incurred.

The University of Oxford has a variety of travel grants and bursaries available to students. Full details can be found on the University's website.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of travel grants and many Oxford students are able to secure funding from alternative, more specialised sources in order to attend conferences and to carry out field work. Your tutor will be your best source of information for subject specific travel grants and support will be provided by the college for any student wishing to apply to travel as part of their academic studies.

If you are a Home student (paying fees at the 'Home' rate), you should check you have applied for all government funds to which you are entitled. Further information can be found here.

This scheme is for those defined as UK students/Settled status students.

Enrolled and suspended Home students of all study levels who are experiencing financial difficulty can apply for financial assistance of up to £3,000 and will be assessed in line with national guidelines. All matriculated Home students are eligible to apply if they are experiencing financial difficulties; this does not necessarily need to have been caused by unforeseen circumstances.

Applications for 2024/25 will be accepted and assessed on a rolling basis until Friday 20 June 2024 (TT8).

Eligible applications with a greater shortfall may be referred on for further consideration by the University Hardship Committee at its termly meeting to assess whether additional support can be awarded.


Please see the Oxford Assistance Fund page for further information.

Enrolled students of any fee status and of all study levels who experience unexpected financial difficulties due to circumstances which could not have been predicted at the start of their course can apply for support of up to £8,000. Applications are assessed by the University Hardship Committee on a termly basis. The application deadlines for 2024/25 are as follows:




OHF Application deadline

Michaelmas Term 25 October 2024

Hilary Term

31 January 2025

Trinity Term

2 May 2025



It is best to submit your application at least a week in advance of the given deadlines to allow times for the sections which subsequently need to be completed by academic and administrative staff to be completed in time for the deadline.


Please see the Oxford Assistance Fund page for further information

This fund provides awards of up to £3,000 to first-degree UK undergraduates, Graduate Entry Medicine and PGCE students who are starting or continuing on an undergraduate course, and who are care-experienced or estranged from their family. In addition, suspended students are now also eligible to apply to the scheme on the same basis as enrolled students.

For full details, please see the Targeted Support webpage.

First-degree UK undergraduates (usually students with 'Home' fees status) who have started their course in or after 2020/21, are enrolled, and who require financial assistance of up to £750 are eligible to apply for a Student Support Fund bursary. Bursaries can be provided to students with household incomes of c. £62,343 or less to address a shortfall in their finances or to meet additional exceptional costs they may be facing relating to their individual circumstances. Applications will also be accepted from those who do not meet the income eligibility threshold, where justification of exceptional personal circumstances can be provided.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until Friday of 8th Week of Trinity Term.

For full details, please see the Student Support Fund Bursary webpage.

There is a fund, comprising donations from various benefactors, to support the purchase of stethoscopes and other medical equipment. This can also be put toward the cost of electives abroad, though students are expected to fund these themselves as much as possible.

Students who wish to apply for such funds are required to send a proposal to the Lead Medical Tutors (Dr Gina Hadley and Professor Bee Wee). The students need to demonstrate how this will further their career and if possible how they plan to share their knowledge and experiences with other students at the College.

There is also a stock of medical equipment purchased by the College and kept in the Library for medical students to use.

The College will make financial awards up to £200 to Blues in support of costs relating to their sporting activity.

The College provides a book grant to each student funded by an award received from All Souls College. The actual amount awarded to each student varies year on year.

The College provides free accommodation for final year undergraduates over the Easter Vacation (equivalent to 5 weeks).

The UCC support scheme launched in September 2022  and aims to provide support to research students facing continued disruption in the 2022/23 academic year due to the pandemic. For full details, please  see the University's Covid-19 Financial Support webpage.

College Scholars

Students who achieve a Distinction or 1st in their first-year exams may be elected to a College Scholarship which comes with a bursary of £100 per year.

The John Dalton Prizes

Each academic discipline in college may award up to three £50 Saphieh Ashtiany and Paul Davies prizes per year. Criteria vary between disciplines, but include an appraisal of the whole year’s work, or a prize given for a particular essay or dissertation.

Donald Tranter Prize

A Donald Tranter Prize of £50 is awarded each year for the best all round contribution to College life.

All Souls' Scholarships

Given by All Souls College. It provides a book grant to each first-year student. The fund also supports HMC students who qualify for the Oxford Bursaries Scheme.

Rowlinson Prize

A prize of £50 given for progress made in the second year.

Carey-Mann Prize

The Carey-Mann Prize is awarded annually to the student in the college achieving the highest mark in Prelims Paper Literature in English 1830-1910. The recipient of the prize will be awarded £50.

For further sources of financial support, please see here.